The Origins of DOG

The dog, also known as a canis Lupus familiaris, is a domesticated, semi-domestic carnivore of the household and family Canidae. It is probably the most common terrestrial carnivore, and is also part of the rare wolf-like canid family. Domesticated dogs are now used as companion animals and for hunting, herding, trapping and the sports of hunt and prey. There are around sixty breeds of dogs in the Canidae, including the Alaskan Malamute, Akita, Siberian Husky, Bichon Frise, Beagle, Doberman Pincher, Labradors, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Greyhound, Norwich Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Boxer, and Pekingese. Domestic dogs are distinguished by a short coat of hair, a short muzzle, long ears, long legs, a wrinkled and elegant face, a wide tail and a dark colored chest.

Dogs need human companionship and exercise in their lives. Their ability to sense danger, and the drive to hunt have made them one of the most popular pets in the world. In fact, studies show that domestic dogs can outlive their human masters by over ten years! This is especially true for the Shih Tzu, the breed thought to be the oldest dog in the world. However, this does not mean that these animals cannot live happy, healthy lives on their own, even with no humans to play with or walk them.

Dogs have a very important role in the lives of many Americans. Their faithful watchdogs protect property, home, and families. They are indispensable members of our armed forces and various law enforcement agencies, serving as watchdogs, guard dogs, agility competitors, search and rescue dogs, drug dogs and trap dogs. DOGs have performed numerous tasks in the war against crime and have saved countless lives. Even though they are often seen as affectionate and loyal pets, some critics argue that DOGs have been over-used by police departments in the name of catch-dogs.

DOG puppies can live up to fourteen years on average in good health. The most common diseases affecting DOGs are kidney problems and congenital defects, but there are some diseases that affect DOGs that may shorten their lives. For example, some breeds of dogs may develop a disease called “hypoglycemia,” in which the dog becomes extremely ill due to low blood sugar levels. A number of other diseases, including cancer, can affect DOGs as well, increasing the chance of their owners having to euthanize the animal.

DOGs are said to resemble the ancient dog of Greek mythology, Papyro Petros, which was the god of dogs. Some people believe that this legend actually started with the mixing of three different breeds of dogs: the wolves, the lions and the dogs of the Latin word “pater.” Some believe that Papyro was the first person to use the word “dog” to refer to all canids. The word “pater” meant a dog that killed and ate young victims, which seems to be the closest parallel to what modern day DOGs do. However, it is not completely clear how the term “pater” got into DOGs’ vocabulary.

Many historians believe that DOGs were spread across the United States around four to six years ago. Some dogs were sent to farm owners, while others were left in small settlements that had no running water or other necessities. Some dogs survived the hardships and were left to fend for themselves, while others became prey to Indians. These dogs adapted to life in the wild well, surviving even the extermination of all humans in the late 1800s.

This content is contributed by Guestomatic

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